Happy new year

Yes, the end of the financial year is a great time to celebrate! For the Tardis Advice team we use the end of the financial year as a time to reflect on our achievements and milestones. From our belated launch party to our New Year’s staff party, 2013/2014 was a huge year for Tardis Advice.

The thing that stands out the most for me is the support of the Tardis Advice Community (some would referred to you as ‘clients’) and the relationships I have developed. I am privileged to be able to work with some incredibly talented and genuine people. A few highlights from the last year include:

  • being able to share in your news – one engagement, two pregnancies, becoming first time grandparents, a big promotion, a first time flight in business class.

  • weekend bike rides – always followed with a coffee.

  • getting spoilt with the occasional gift – from a coffee machine (used daily) to home made goodies to most recently a napkin full of complementary chocolates, swiped from a local café

I am definitely looking forward to the challenges and excitement of the year ahead!


Tardis Advice cupcakes from our launch party

Tardis Advice cupcakes from our launch party

Stefan and Sam (our newest team member) get the party started

Stefan and Sam (our newest team member) get the party started