Finally. A financial adviser that’ll help sort out your life.
Not just your money.
Picture this.
You’re applying for a new job and nervous as heck.
You need to negotiate room hire and don’t know how it all works.
You need to get insurance sorted because you know the risks are high.
You think you want to change jobs, but you’re not sure of your options.
You want to bid at auction for a gorgeous home in a leafy inner suburb, but are scheduled for surgery that day.
You want to buy a boat so you just, well, do.
You want to buy a new car so you can tow the new boat.
You need to build a new garage to fit the new car and boat. (It happened.)
You want to know your family is going to be cared for, even if you’re not around.
You want to change banks, lawyers, partners…and your hairdresser.
Estate planning. Salary packaging. Investments.
Daycare. Needle stick injuries. The sudden loss of a partner.
Moving house. Buying into a practice. An inheritance.
It’s enough to make your head explode just thinking about it all…
But you don't spend the night tossing and turning.
You don’t spend a precious Saturday afternoon(s) trying to figure it all out.
You stop wondering.
You stop googling.
And you stop worrying.
Instead, you talk to Tardis.
You tell us what's on your mind.
We talk it through.
No judgement. Just ears, a brain and an open heart.
We figure it out. And it gets taken care of.
And you get on with your life.
I wish I’d done this sooner.
We hear that pretty frequently.
Because let’s face it, there’s always something that feels like a higher (and way more fun) priority than getting your financial life on track.
But you also don’t want to lose another post-shift wind-down running through — for the 57th time (oh, if only our minds had an off-switch) — all the options and questions about all the “life” and “money” things you need to do.
Or rather, should do.
Here’s the thing.
There’s never a perfect time to get this stuff sorted.
Perhaps you’ve worked with an adviser before and didn’t quite gel. They didn’t get you. The advice felt generic.
Or maybe you think your situation is too much of a mess. That we can’t help. That it’s embarrassing.
Or you just don’t know where to start.
It’s okay. Let’s make it simple.
Start with a call. Just 10 minutes. That’s all it takes to take the first step.
What to expect
01. Let’s chat
Let’s jump on a quick 10-15 min call and explore what you need help with. What questions do you have? We’ll give you some clarity about how we can help and tell you if we can’t.
02. Deep dive
Here, we’ll go deep. We’ll ask you some pretty personal questions and let you offload your dreams, worries and fears. It’s a conversation that can be challenging and emotional and practical all at once. It can get messy. So expect that.
03. Next steps
Next, we’ll outline how we can help. The nitty gritty of what we do together and how much it’ll cost. We’ll ask you to make at least a 12 month commitment to us, and we’ll make an equal commitment to you.
04. Get it done
For the first 3-6 months there’s normally a fair bit to do. We’ll take care of as much as possible, but you’ll have some details to look over, decisions to make (we’ll guide you) and things to sign to keep things moving.
05. The journey
Because life doesn’t just magically stop throwing things at you once you’ve started to get things sorted, we’ll keep in regular contact. It’ll be a proper sit down at least once a year, and as much other contact that makes sense. (P.S. We know you’re busy.)