Business planning for medical specialists

Demystifying private practice: Consideration 2. Planning

Two fundamental aspects of planning

1. Realise you are about to become a business owner. Develop a business plan. It doesn’t have to be war and peace, a one page business plan will suffice.

2. Structure your diary around your income goals and your expenses. Be clear on how frequently you need to be engaging in each specific task.

Yes, we do take our own advice. To give you an example of a simple one page business plan, I have included below the official Tardis Advice Business and Strategic Plan for 2015 (to keep some mystery I’ve uploaded it with low resolution!). The tabs in orange include topics of; vision, break throughs, road blocks, known areas to work on, numbers, internal strategies, staff composition, goals.

Looks pretty similar to the one page plan we do with all of our clients … There is also a personal one on file for Tanya and I.

When it comes to mindmaps, plans or whatever you want to call them, I am definitely a huge fan.

To end with a quote attributed to many… “Failing to plan is planning to fail”.
