What is your why?

Demystifying private practice: Consideration 1. What is your WHY?

What is your WHY? It is vital you can clearly answer this questions. Without an answer, you are in for an incredibly steep uphill battle.

Starting a private practice is a big decision. It is probably the single biggest decision you will make in your career.

Before you embark on private practice, or any business for that matter, it is imperative you are crystal clear on why you are starting: What do you want to get out it?

Be specific when answering this question, as the answer to this question will form the foundation of your private practice. It will be the basis of how you structure your week and the actions you take to grow your patient list. The entirety of your private practice will grow from your answer to this question. 

Before you take any further action towards private practice, put aside some time to ensure you have a clear WHY.

If you need a prompt, consider these situations: Are you starting private practice so that you can have flexible hours to spend with family and friends? It is to build capital so that you can purchase a home in the suburb of your dreams? Is it so that you can acquire a nice car; fly business class; create a business to leave a legacy.

By figuring our your WHY, hopefully you will be well on your way to avoiding this…


(As a side note, I saw the above sign while in San Francisco many years ago. I remember getting honked and slightly road raged as we held up traffic trying to find a camera… yes, it was that time long ago before smart phones… problem solved in 2015 thanks to google… is there seriously anything a quick google image search cannot find?!)